Please ask the Senedd to request the following from British government:


The opportunity to trial different approaches to refugees/ immigration in Wales or parts of Wales

A scheme to allow communities to choose refugees that they will host at their own expense. That these refugees will be additional to those the UK is committed to host under its government schemes. That those in the middle of a war inside their country of origin are recognised as refugees in as desperate or far worse plight than those who have escaped a war zone. They are trapped refugees. To exclude them from protection is iniquitous.


Community sponsorship is a scheme whereby communities host and pay for refugees in our communities. They therefore should have the right to name the people they will host. 

Any costs imposed by any layer of government, as opposed to costs the community and their refugee guests will incur (eg for a home or a course they choose to do) should be paid for by government. eg if government requires hosts to take a course, all costs must be paid for by government. Or if the government requires a legal agreement the full costs must be paid by them.)


The reason this is a good idea, and necessary is that it will: 

1. Ensure communities have the number of refugees they want, where they want them


2. Give refugees a humanitarian and civilised alternative to getting over here via the mafia or reaching desperation


3. Ensure there is no meaningful opposition from the population to these guest refugees


4. Enrich the receiving communities culturally and economically and improve their self-esteem and cohesion.

5. Test an alternative to an ineffective and expensive strategy to keep migrants out


6. Respects the fundamental right of a person to help another in their need where there is no third party detriment


7. Follows the well tried and tested and successful model of community sponsorship in Canada.